Welcome friend!

I Am guessing you found your Way here because you are curious about the healing power of Family Constellation Therapy.

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I truly believe that family Constellation therapy finds us when we need it the most.

It’s as if a door opens itself in front of us and, even though we may not know where it leads, the pull to walk through is sentient.

Often times, FCT finds us when:

  • our ancestors are aching for us to clean up the pain of the past so we can all be free + sovereign beings

  • we can be at one of the lowest points in life and stuck in the t/Trauma we’ve experienced in this life (& others)

  • our future selves are deeply calling for us to step forward toward them to receive all our magic, love, & blessings

  • we feel blocked in any area(s) of our life and feel that no matter what we’ve done, the block won’t budge

Your choice to show up for yourself, to be courageous enough to look at your pain, and to be willing & open to choose differently is inspiring.

Ready to learn more about FCT, what sessions look like, and what to expect from a session before, during, & after?